Have you ever wondered what survival prepping is all about? Maybe you’ve seen shows on TV where people stock up on food, water, and supplies, but you’re not quite sure why they’re doing it. Well, let me tell you, survival prepping is all about being prepared for any unexpected event or emergency that may come your way. It’s about having the necessary skills, resources, and knowledge to protect yourself and your loved ones in times of crisis. In this article, we’re going to dive into the world of survival prepping and explore why it’s important and what you need to know to get started.

So, why is survival prepping so crucial? Well, life is unpredictable, and we never know what might happen tomorrow. Natural disasters, pandemics, economic crises, and even personal emergencies can strike at any moment. Having a survival plan in place can mean the difference between life and death. It’s about taking control of your own safety and security, rather than relying solely on others or government assistance. And the best part is, anyone can become a survival prepper. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of survival prepping, including the essential items you need to have, the skills you should learn, and the mindset you’ll need to develop. So, get ready to embark on this journey of preparedness and empowerment.

Table of Contents

Understanding Survival Prepping

Survival prepping is the practice of preparing and equipping oneself for potential emergencies or disasters. It involves acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, and supplies to ensure your survival and the well-being of your loved ones during times of crisis. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a pandemic, civil unrest, or an economic collapse, survival prepping allows you to be self-sufficient and resilient in the face of adversity.

Defining Survival Prepping

Survival prepping can take many forms, and it varies from individual to individual. It involves focusing on the essentials of life: shelter, water, food, security, and medical care. By anticipating potential risks and having a contingency plan, you can effectively navigate through unexpected circumstances with ease.

Importance of Survival Prepping

The importance of survival prepping cannot be overstated. In times of crisis, access to critical resources such as food, water, and medical supplies may become limited or unavailable. By being prepared, you not only ensure your own well-being but also minimize the strain on public resources and increase the likelihood of a swift recovery for your community.

Key Principles of Survival Prepping

Survival prepping is built on a few key principles that guide its practice:

  1. Self-reliance: The ability to rely on oneself for survival is a crucial aspect of prepping. It involves acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to meet your basic needs without depending solely on external support.

  2. Resourcefulness: Prepping encourages resourcefulness by utilizing what is available and making the most out of limited resources. This includes repurposing items, growing your own food, and finding alternative solutions to common problems.

  3. Flexibility: Being adaptable and open to change is essential in survival prepping. Circumstances may evolve quickly during a crisis, and being flexible allows you to adjust your plans and strategies accordingly.

  4. Planning and preparation: Developing a comprehensive plan and preparing for potential risks is a fundamental aspect of prepping. By understanding potential threats and creating a step-by-step plan, you can effectively respond to emergencies.

Essential Skills for Survival Prepping

In order to be well-prepared for emergencies or disasters, it is important to develop certain skills that can prove invaluable in times of crisis. Here are some essential skills for survival prepping:

Firemaking and Shelter Building

Firemaking and shelter building skills are crucial for ensuring your survival in outdoor scenarios. Being able to start a fire provides warmth, protection from predators, and a means to cook food. Additionally, knowing how to construct simple shelters using available materials can provide temporary refuge during emergencies.

Water Procurement and Purification

Access to clean drinking water is vital for survival. Knowing how to procure and purify water from natural sources such as rivers or rainwater can ensure a safe and reliable supply of water. Various methods such as boiling, using filters, and chemical treatments can be employed to purify water and remove contaminants.

Food Storage and Foraging

Storing an ample supply of non-perishable food items is essential for survival prepping. Items such as canned goods, dried foods, and MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) can provide sustenance during emergencies. Additionally, learning how to identify edible plants and forage for food in the wild can supplement your food supply.

First Aid and Medical Knowledge

Having basic first aid skills and medical knowledge is crucial in emergency situations. Understanding how to treat wounds, perform CPR, and manage common illnesses can save lives when professional medical help is not readily available. It is also important to have a well-stocked first aid kit that includes essential supplies such as bandages, disinfectants, and medications.

Navigation and Map Reading

Being able to navigate and read maps is essential for finding your way during emergencies or when natural landmarks may be altered. Learning how to use a compass, topographic maps, and GPS systems can help you determine your location and navigate to safety.

Self-Defense and Security

In times of crisis, it is important to prioritize personal safety and security. Learning self-defense techniques can provide a sense of empowerment and the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones. Additionally, securing your home, implementing security measures, and being vigilant about your surroundings can deter potential threats.

What Is Survival Prepping?

Building an Emergency Preparedness Kit

Building an emergency preparedness kit is an important step in survival prepping. It ensures you have the necessary supplies to sustain yourself during emergencies. Here are the key components of an emergency kit:

Selecting the Right Supplies

When building your emergency kit, consider the specific needs of yourself and your family. This includes items such as food, water, clothing, bedding, tools, and personal hygiene products. It is important to choose supplies that are durable, lightweight, and have a long shelf life.

Food and Water Storage

Stocking an ample supply of non-perishable food items that require minimal preparation is essential. Canned goods, dried foods, and MREs are good options. It is also important to store an adequate supply of drinking water, aiming for at least one gallon per person per day.

Personal Hygiene and Sanitation

Maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation during emergencies is crucial to prevent the spread of diseases. Include items such as soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and feminine hygiene products in your emergency kit.

First Aid and Medications

A well-equipped first aid kit is essential for addressing minor injuries and illnesses. It should include items such as bandages, disinfectants, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

Tools and Equipment

Having basic tools and equipment can prove invaluable during emergencies. Include items such as a multi-tool, flashlight, batteries, duct tape, and a portable radio in your emergency kit.

Communication and Lighting

Being able to communicate and have access to reliable lighting is crucial during emergencies. Include items such as a fully charged cell phone with a portable charger, a whistle, and battery-powered or solar-powered lights.

Important Documents and Cash

Keep important documents such as identification cards, insurance policies, and copies of vital records in a waterproof container. It is also advisable to keep some cash on hand, as electronic payment systems may not function during emergencies.

Creating a Survival Plan

Creating a survival plan is essential for ensuring you and your loved ones are prepared for emergencies. Here are the key steps in creating a survival plan:

Assessing Potential Risks

Identify the potential risks in your area such as natural disasters, crime rates, or health risks. Understanding the specific risks you may face allows you to tailor your plan accordingly.

Establishing Communication Channels

Identify multiple communication methods that can be used during emergencies. This can include cell phones, two-way radios, or designated meeting points.

Identifying Safe Meeting Points

Determine safe meeting points for your family members in case of emergencies. These can be predetermined locations such as a trusted friend’s house or a community center.

Developing Escape Routes

Identify and plan escape routes from your home or workplace in the event of an emergency. This includes familiarizing yourself with multiple exit points and alternative routes.

Designating Roles and Responsibilities

Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each family member to ensure a coordinated response in emergencies. This can include tasks such as gathering supplies, caring for children or pets, or initiating emergency protocols.

Practicing Emergency Drills

Regularly practice emergency drills to ensure that all family members are familiar with the plan and can respond effectively during emergencies. This includes practicing evacuation procedures, communication methods, and medical response techniques.

What Is Survival Prepping?

Survival Prepping for Natural Disasters

Natural disasters can strike at any time, and being prepared can make a significant difference in your survival. Here are some specific strategies for survival prepping during common natural disasters:

Preparing for Hurricanes

During hurricane season, it is essential to secure your home by reinforcing windows, doors, and roofs. Stockpile non-perishable food, water, medication, and essential supplies. Have a designated safe room in your home and a plan for evacuation if necessary.

Surviving Earthquakes

In earthquake-prone areas, ensure your home is structurally sound and secure heavy objects that could topple during tremors. Create an earthquake kit with essential supplies such as food, water, first aid supplies, and tools. Practice the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique to protect yourself during an earthquake.

Managing Floods

If you live in an area prone to flooding, elevate valuable items and electrical equipment to protect them from water damage. Create an emergency kit with food, water, and supplies that can sustain you during evacuations. Stay informed with weather updates and heed evacuation warnings from authorities.

Dealing with Tornadoes

In tornado-prone areas, have a designated safe room or storm shelter in your home. Create an emergency kit that includes a portable weather radio, sturdy shoes, and a whistle. Stay alert to weather forecasts and take shelter immediately if a tornado warning is issued.

Preparing for Wildfires

If you live in an area susceptible to wildfires, create a defensible space around your home by clearing flammable vegetation and debris. Have an emergency kit ready with essential supplies, including airtight containers for important documents. Stay informed about fire conditions and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Preparing for Severe Storms

Severe storms can bring strong winds, heavy rain, and electrical outages. Secure outdoor objects, stay indoors, and avoid contact with metal objects during storms. Have an emergency kit with supplies such as flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, and water.

Survival Prepping for Pandemics

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of being prepared for infectious diseases. Here are some strategies for survival prepping during pandemics:

Understanding Disease Transmission

Educate yourself on how diseases spread, including modes of transmission and recommended preventive measures. Stay updated on information provided by reputable health organizations and follow their guidelines.

Stocking up on Essential Supplies

Stock up on essential supplies such as food, water, toiletries, and cleaning products. Aim for a supply that can sustain you and your family for a prolonged period of time, accounting for potential disruptions in the supply chain.

Implementing Good Hygiene Practices

Practice good hygiene by regularly washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your face, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and maintain a clean living environment.

Isolating and Quarantining

Be prepared to isolate or quarantine yourself if necessary. Create a plan for how to safely separate yourself from others in your household and ensure you have the necessary supplies to sustain yourself during isolation.

Seeking Medical Assistance

Stay informed about the symptoms of the specific disease and seek medical assistance if you or your loved ones exhibit any symptoms. Follow the advice of healthcare professionals and cooperate with public health measures.

Survival Prepping for Civil Unrest

Civil unrest can occur during times of social and political instability. Here are some strategies for survival prepping during civil unrest:

Securing Your Home

Ensure that your home is secure by reinforcing doors, windows, and fences. Consider installing security systems or cameras. Have a plan for fortifying your home during potential threats.

Establishing Community Networks

Develop relationships with neighbors and form community networks to share information and resources. This can help create a sense of safety and solidarity during civil unrest.

Developing Self-Defense Strategies

Consider acquiring self-defense training and developing strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones during potential threats. This can include learning basic martial arts, acquiring non-lethal self-defense tools, or securing your home with additional security measures.

Preparing for Power Outages

During civil unrest, power outages can occur due to various reasons. Be prepared by having alternative lighting sources such as flashlights or solar-powered lights. Have non-perishable food that can be prepared without electricity.

Monitoring News and Updates

Stay informed about the latest news and updates regarding civil unrest. Monitor reliable news sources and heed warnings or instructions from local authorities. Stay updated on travel restrictions, curfews, or evacuation notices.

Survival Prepping for Economic Collapse

An economic collapse can lead to a breakdown in financial systems and access to essential resources. Here are some strategies for survival prepping during an economic collapse:

Understanding Economic Collapse

Educate yourself on the signs and potential impact of an economic collapse. Understand how it can affect the availability of goods, services, and financial stability.

Securing Financial Resources

Diversify your financial resources by keeping some cash on hand and having a diverse portfolio that includes tangible assets such as precious metals or real estate. Be prepared for potential disruptions in banking systems.

Investing in Tangible Assets

Consider investing in tangible assets that can hold value during economic downturns. Precious metals, such as gold or silver, can serve as a hedge against inflation and financial instability.

Creating Sustainable Food Sources

In the event of an economic collapse, access to affordable food may be limited. Develop sustainable food sources by growing your own fruits and vegetables, raising livestock, or joining a community garden.

Education and Training for Survival Prepping

Education and training are crucial aspects of survival prepping. Here are some areas to focus on:

Learning Practical Survival Skills

Acquire practical skills such as firemaking, shelter building, foraging, and navigation. Attend workshops, take courses, or learn from experienced individuals who can teach you these important skills.

Gaining First Aid and Medical Training

Take first aid and medical training courses to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for emergency medical care. Understanding how to treat injuries, perform CPR, and administer basic medical care can save lives.

Mastering Self-Defense Techniques

Learn self-defense techniques from trained professionals who can teach you effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones during emergencies.

Developing Outdoor Survival Skills

Develop a range of outdoor survival skills such as wilderness navigation, fire building, edible plant identification, and water procurement. These skills will prove invaluable when facing outdoor emergencies.

Attending Preparedness Workshops

Join preparedness workshops or seminars that focus on specific aspects of survival prepping. This allows you to learn from experts, exchange knowledge with other preppers, and stay up-to-date on the latest strategies and technologies.


In conclusion, survival prepping is the practice of preparing and equipping oneself for potential emergencies or disasters. By understanding the principles, acquiring essential skills, building an emergency preparedness kit, creating a survival plan, and focusing on specific scenarios such as natural disasters, pandemics, civil unrest, or economic collapse, you can ensure your survival and the well-being of your loved ones. The importance of survival prepping cannot be overstated, as it empowers individuals to overcome challenges, adapt to a changing world, and ensure their safety and well-being in times of crisis. Remember, preparation is key, and by investing your time, effort, and resources into survival prepping, you can better navigate through any unexpected circumstances that may arise. Stay safe, stay prepared, and take control of your own destiny.