If you’ve ever found yourself asking this question, you’re not alone. With so many sources of information available online, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones can truly be trusted. Whether you’re new to survival prepping or looking to expand your knowledge, it’s important to turn to reliable sources for accurate and helpful information. In this article, we’ll discuss some top sources you can rely on to learn more about survival prepping.

One of the most reliable sources of information about survival prepping is government agencies. Organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide valuable guidance on how to be prepared for various emergency situations. Their websites offer a wealth of information, including tips on creating emergency kits, developing evacuation plans, and staying safe during natural disasters. By consulting these official sources, you can ensure you are receiving trustworthy information to help you prepare for the unexpected. In addition to government agencies, there are also reputable experts and organizations in the field of survival prepping who can provide valuable insights. Websites and YouTube channels run by experienced preppers, survivalists, and outdoor enthusiasts can offer practical advice, product recommendations, and step-by-step guides for different scenarios. These individuals have hands-on experience and often share their knowledge through personal stories and real-life examples, making it easier for you to grasp the concepts and apply them to your own situation. Whether it’s learning about wilderness survival techniques, building a bug-out bag, or homesteading skills, these sources can provide reliable and useful information to help you on your survival prepping journey. When it comes to survival prepping, having reliable sources of information is crucial. Whether you are just starting your prepping journey or have been actively preparing for emergencies for years, it’s important to have access to trustworthy, up-to-date information. In this article, we will explore some of the best sources of information about survival prepping, ranging from online forums and communities to government websites, books and ebooks, professional survival experts, podcasts and webinars, documentaries and TV shows, online courses and tutorials, nonprofit organizations, and survival blogs and websites.

What Are Some Reliable Sources Of Information About Survival Prepping?

Online Forums and Communities

One of the best ways to gain knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals is through online forums and communities dedicated to survivalism. These forums allow you to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others who are also preparing for emergencies. Some popular dedicated survivalist forums include SurvivalistBoards.com, PrepperForums.net, and The Survivalist Blog.

Dedicated Survivalist Forums

SurvivalistBoards.com is a comprehensive online community where survivalists from all over the world can gather to discuss various survival topics. From DIY projects and gear reviews to advice on food storage and self-defense, this forum covers it all. The community is highly active and knowledgeable, making it an ideal source of information for both beginners and experienced preppers.

PrepperForums.net is another popular forum where preppers can discuss a wide range of survival topics. With categories covering everything from emergency preparedness to homesteading and sustainable living, this community offers valuable insights and discussions.

The Survivalist Blog is a website and forum dedicated to survivalism, prepping, and self-reliance. It features articles, tips, and discussions on various survival topics, making it a helpful resource for beginners and seasoned preppers alike.

Prepper Communities

In addition to dedicated survivalist forums, there are also online communities focused specifically on prepping. These communities provide a space for preppers to connect, share ideas, and learn from one another. One such community is r/Preppers on Reddit, which has a large and active user base. Here, you can find discussions on a wide range of survival topics, as well as user-submitted content such as gear reviews, DIY projects, and personal experiences.

There are also several prepper-related groups on social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. These groups offer a place for preppers to connect and share information, while also providing opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Government Websites

Government websites are another reliable source of information about survival prepping. These websites often provide guidelines, resources, and tips for preparing for emergencies. Some key government websites to consider include:

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

FEMA, an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for coordinating and responding to disasters and emergencies. Their website, FEMA.gov, offers resources and information on emergency preparedness, including tips for creating a disaster plan, building an emergency kit, and staying informed during emergencies.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC is a leading national public health agency in the United States. Their website, CDC.gov, provides valuable information on topics such as pandemic preparedness, infectious disease control, and general emergency preparedness. The CDC also offers specific guidelines and recommendations for different types of emergencies, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

The DHS website, DHS.gov, offers a range of resources on emergency preparedness, including tips for creating a family emergency plan, building a basic emergency supply kit, and staying safe during disasters. They also provide information on specific threats and hazards, such as terrorism and cybersecurity.

Books and Ebooks

Books and ebooks are a timeless source of information and knowledge. There are many excellent titles available on the subject of survival prepping, covering a wide range of topics from basic survival skills to advanced strategies. Some categories of books to consider include:

Survival Guides

Survival guides are comprehensive books that cover various survival skills, techniques, and strategies. They often include information on shelter building, fire starting, foraging for food, and first aid. Some popular survival guides include “SAS Survival Handbook” by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman and “The Bushcraft Field Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild” by Dave Canterbury.

Prepper Handbooks

Prepper handbooks provide practical advice and guidance on preparing for emergencies. These books typically cover topics such as food storage, water purification, self-defense, and long-term survival strategies. Examples of prepper handbooks include “The Prepper’s Blueprint” by Tess Pennington and “Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide” by Jim Cobb.

Emergency Preparedness Manuals

Emergency preparedness manuals offer step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for different types of emergencies, such as natural disasters, pandemics, and power outages. They often include checklists, guidelines, and tips for creating a comprehensive emergency plan. Two highly recommended emergency preparedness manuals are “The Disaster Preparedness Handbook” by Dr. Arthur T. Bradley and “The Survival Medicine Handbook” by Joseph Alton and Amy Alton.

Professional Survival Experts

Seeking advice from professional survival experts can provide valuable insights and guidance on survival prepping. These experts have extensive experience and knowledge in the field of survivalism and can offer practical tips and strategies.

Survival Instructors

Survival instructors are individuals who specialize in teaching survival skills and techniques. They often offer hands-on training and workshops, where participants can learn and practice essential survival skills. Attending a survival course or workshop can provide you with firsthand experience and expert guidance on various survival topics.

Wilderness Experts

Wilderness experts are individuals who have spent significant time in the wilderness and have honed their survival skills through personal experience. They often share their knowledge through books, blogs, and speaking engagements. Following the advice and insights of wilderness experts can give you a unique perspective on survival prepping.

Emergency Response Personnel

Emergency response personnel, such as firefighters, paramedics, and search and rescue teams, have extensive experience in dealing with emergencies and disasters. These professionals have firsthand knowledge of the challenges and risks involved in survival situations. Their insights and advice can be invaluable in preparing for and navigating through emergencies.

What Are Some Reliable Sources Of Information About Survival Prepping?

Podcasts and Webinars

Podcasts and webinars are convenient and accessible sources of information about survival prepping. They allow you to learn from experts and industry professionals at your own pace. Some recommended podcasts and webinars on survival prepping include:

Survivalist Podcasts

There are several podcasts dedicated to survivalism and prepping. These podcasts cover a wide range of survival topics, featuring interviews with experts, discussions on gear and equipment, and practical tips for prepping. Some popular survivalist podcasts include “The Survival Podcast” hosted by Jack Spirko and “The Prepper Podcast” hosted by Forrest Garvin.

Prepper Webinars

Webinars are online seminars that provide in-depth information and training on specific topics. Many prepper organizations and experts offer webinars on various aspects of survival prepping, such as food storage, self-defense, and wilderness survival. These webinars often include live Q&A sessions, allowing you to interact with the experts and ask specific questions.

Emergency Preparedness Audio Series

Audio series on emergency preparedness, such as “The Preparedness Podcast” and “Practical Prepping” by The Prepared Mind, offer valuable information and insights on survival prepping. These audio series cover a wide range of topics, from basic survival skills to advanced strategies for long-term self-sufficiency.

Documentaries and TV Shows

Watching documentaries and TV shows about survival prepping can be both educational and entertaining. These visual mediums provide a unique perspective on survivalism and can offer valuable insights and inspiration. Some documentaries and TV shows to consider include:

Survival Reality Shows

Survival reality shows, such as “Survivor” and “Alone”, showcase individuals or groups navigating through various wilderness challenges. While these shows may be more focused on entertainment, they still provide valuable insights into survival skills and strategies. Watching survival reality shows can give you a firsthand look at how different survival techniques are applied in real-life situations.

Documentaries on Wilderness Survival

There are numerous documentaries that focus on various aspects of wilderness survival. These documentaries often feature experts and professionals showcasing survival skills, techniques, and experiences. They provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and rewards of living in the wilderness and surviving in adverse conditions.

Prepping TV Series

There are also TV series that specifically cover the topic of prepping and survivalism. These shows offer a comprehensive look at different aspects of survival prepping, including food storage, self-defense, and emergency preparedness. Some popular prepping TV series include “Doomsday Preppers” and “Apocalypse 101”.

Online Courses and Tutorials

Online courses and tutorials provide a structured and comprehensive approach to learning about survival prepping. These courses are designed by experts and professionals in the field and offer a range of topics and levels of expertise. Some online courses and tutorials to consider include:

Survival Skills Training

Online survival skills training courses cover a wide range of topics, such as fire starting, shelter building, foraging for food, and first aid. These courses often include video demonstrations, interactive quizzes, and practical assignments to help you learn and practice various survival skills.

Emergency Preparedness Courses

Emergency preparedness courses provide in-depth information and guidance on preparing for different types of emergencies. These courses cover topics such as disaster planning, emergency communication, and resource management. They offer valuable insights and strategies for creating a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan.

Prepper Tutorial Videos

There are many tutorial videos available online that cover different aspects of survival prepping. These videos provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrations on topics such as food storage, water purification, and self-defense. Watching prepper tutorial videos can help you gain practical skills and knowledge in a visual and engaging format.

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations dedicated to disaster relief and emergency preparedness are excellent sources of information and resources for survival prepping. These organizations often provide educational materials, training programs, and community outreach initiatives. Some notable nonprofit organizations include:

American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world. They provide disaster relief services, emergency preparedness resources, and first aid training. Their website, RedCross.org, offers a wealth of information on emergency preparedness, including tips for creating an emergency kit, developing a communication plan, and staying safe during disasters.

National Geographic Society

The National Geographic Society is widely recognized for its exploration and conservation efforts. They also offer valuable resources on survival skills and emergency preparedness. Their website, nationalgeographic.com, features articles, guides, and videos on various survival topics, including wilderness survival, natural disasters, and climate change.

Survival and Prepper Groups

There are numerous nonprofit organizations and groups dedicated specifically to survival and prepping. These organizations often offer resources, training, and networking opportunities for preppers. Joining a local survival or prepper group can provide you with access to valuable information, practical training, and a community of like-minded individuals.

Survival Blogs and Websites

Survival blogs and websites are a treasure trove of information about survival prepping. They often feature articles, guides, gear reviews, and personal experiences shared by survival experts and enthusiasts. Some popular survival blogs and websites include:

Popular Prepper Blogs

Popular prepper blogs, such as The Prepper Journal and SHTFPlan, offer a wealth of information and resources on survival prepping. These blogs cover a wide range of topics, including gear recommendations, food storage tips, and advice on self-defense. They often feature articles written by experienced preppers and survivalists.

Survivalist Websites

Survivalist websites, such as SurvivalCache and Survivopedia, are dedicated to providing comprehensive information and guides on various aspects of survivalism. These websites cover topics such as bug-out bags, wilderness survival skills, and homesteading. They offer a mix of practical advice, product reviews, and personal stories.

Emergency Preparedness Blogs

Emergency preparedness blogs, such as The Organic Prepper and The Survival Mom, focus on providing information and guidance on preparing for emergencies and disasters. These blogs cover topics such as emergency kits, food storage, and personal safety. They often offer practical tips and resources for individuals and families.


In conclusion, there is a diverse range of reliable sources of information about survival prepping. From online forums and communities to government websites, books and ebooks, professional survival experts, podcasts and webinars, documentaries and TV shows, online courses and tutorials, nonprofit organizations, and survival blogs and websites, there is no shortage of knowledge and insights available to help you prepare for emergencies. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced prepper, accessing these reliable sources of information will empower you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards safeguarding yourself and your loved ones. Remember, being prepared is key, and having access to expert advice and tips can make all the difference in an emergency situation. So take advantage of these resources and start your survival prepping journey today!