Have you ever wondered how you can prepare your children for a survival situation? It’s a question that many parents have, and one that requires careful thought and planning. In today’s world, it’s important to equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to handle unexpected emergencies or natural disasters. In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips and strategies to help you prepare your children for a survival situation. Whether it’s an earthquake, a power outage, or a camping trip gone wrong, you’ll find useful information here to ensure your children are ready for whatever comes their way. So, let’s dive in and discover how we can prepare our little ones for the unexpected!

When it comes to preparing your children for a survival situation, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to establish a sense of open communication and safety in your household. Talk to your children about different emergency scenarios and explain what they should do in each situation. Teach them how to dial emergency services and make sure they know their full name, address, and phone number. Additionally, consider creating a family emergency plan together. This can be as simple as identifying a safe meeting spot outside the house or designating a family member who lives out of town as a point of contact. By involving your children in these discussions, you’ll not only empower them to take action when needed but also foster a sense of security and preparedness. In our next article, we’ll delve deeper into the specific skills and knowledge you can teach your children to prepare them even further for survival situations. Stay tuned!

The Importance of Preparedness

Preparing our children for emergency situations is one of the most important things we can do as parents. While we hope that our children will never find themselves in a survival situation, it is crucial that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves and navigate through challenging circumstances. By teaching our children about emergency situations and building their survival skills, we can instill in them a sense of confidence and resilience that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Teaching Children about Emergency Situations

The first step in preparing our children for a survival situation is to educate them about the potential emergencies they may face. Sit down with your children and have an open and honest conversation about natural disasters, accidents, or other events that may require them to take action to ensure their safety. Explain the different types of emergencies, such as earthquakes, floods, or severe weather, and provide age-appropriate information on how they can respond in each situation.

Building Their Survival Skills

In addition to teaching children about emergency situations, it is essential to equip them with the necessary survival skills. Physical preparedness plays a significant role in ensuring their safety. Encourage your children to engage in physical activities that help build their fitness and endurance. Activities like biking, swimming, or hiking not only promote physical health but also increase their ability to handle challenging situations.

Learning basic self-defense techniques is another vital aspect of building survival skills. Enroll your children in self-defense classes appropriate for their age. These classes teach them how to protect themselves and give them the confidence to deal with potentially dangerous situations. Teach them about personal boundaries, the importance of being aware of their surroundings, and how to react if they find themselves in a threatening situation.

Physical Preparedness

Physical Fitness and Endurance

Physical fitness and endurance are crucial aspects of preparedness for survival situations. When faced with an emergency, children may need to run, climb, or carry heavy objects to ensure their safety. Encourage your children to engage in regular physical activities to improve their overall fitness. Help them develop endurance by gradually increasing the duration and intensity of their exercises. Sports like soccer, basketball, or martial arts can help improve their stamina and strength.

Learning Basic Self-Defense Techniques

Teaching children basic self-defense techniques can significantly boost their confidence and preparedness in survival situations. Enroll your children in age-appropriate self-defense classes that focus on teaching them how to protect themselves from potential threats. These classes will teach them moves like blocking, striking, and evading attacks. Additionally, they will learn how to assess dangerous situations and make quick decisions to ensure their safety.

How Can I Prepare My Children For A Survival Situation?

Knowing Their Environment

Teaching Children about Natural Hazards

One of the essential aspects of preparedness is teaching children about the natural hazards that exist in their environment. Familiarize them with the types of disasters or emergencies that are likely to occur in your area. Explain the potential consequences of each hazard and discuss the appropriate actions they should take in response. For example, if you live in an area prone to earthquakes, teach them to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” during an earthquake.

Understanding Local Resources

In addition to teaching children about natural hazards, it is crucial to educate them about the local resources available to them during an emergency. Teach them about the emergency services in your community, such as the police, fire department, or ambulance services. Show them how to dial emergency numbers and explain when and how to seek help from these resources. Additionally, identify nearby safe locations, like designated shelters or community centers, where they can go if they need immediate assistance.

Emergency Supplies and Equipment

Assembling a Family Emergency Kit

One of the most effective ways to prepare for a survival situation is by assembling a family emergency kit. Involve your children in the process of assembling the kit, explaining the importance of each item. Include essentials like food, water, a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries, and a portable radio. Teach them where the kit is stored and how to access it in case of an emergency. Regularly check the supplies to ensure they are not expired or damaged.

How to Use Essential Survival Tools

Equipping your children with the knowledge of how to use essential survival tools can be life-saving in a survival situation. Teach them how to use a compass and read maps, as these skills are invaluable in finding their way to safety. Show them how to start a fire safely, emphasizing the importance of fire as a source of warmth, cooking, and signaling for help. Demonstrate how to use basic tools like a Swiss Army knife or a multipurpose tool, teaching them the functions of each tool and how to use them safely.

How Can I Prepare My Children For A Survival Situation?

Communication and Safety Measures

Teaching Children to Use Communication Devices

In today’s digital age, it is essential to teach children how to use communication devices to stay connected during emergencies. Show them how to use a cell phone to call for help, send text messages, or use emergency applications. Explain the importance of conserving battery life and teach them how to locate and use charging devices in case of power outages. Additionally, help them memorize important phone numbers, such as your contact information and emergency services.

Establishing Meeting Points

Establishing meeting points is a vital safety measure that can help ensure the well-being of your children in a survival situation. Teach them the importance of having predetermined meeting points both within your immediate neighborhood and in other familiar locations. Instruct them on what to do if they get separated from you or their siblings, emphasizing the significance of staying put and waiting for you at the designated meeting point. Regularly practice the meeting point scenarios to reinforce their understanding.

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Helping Children Manage Fear and Uncertainty

Survival situations can be incredibly stressful, especially for children who may feel overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. It is crucial to help our children manage their emotions and cope with stress in these challenging circumstances. Reassure them that their safety is your top priority and that you are there to support them. Encourage open communication and provide them with age-appropriate information about the situation to alleviate their anxiety.

Practicing Relaxation Techniques

Teaching our children relaxation techniques can provide them with valuable coping mechanisms during survival situations. Practice deep breathing exercises with them, teaching them to take slow, deep breaths to help calm their minds and bodies. Guide them through simple mindfulness exercises, such as focusing on their senses or repeating positive affirmations. Encourage them to engage in activities they enjoy, such as reading, drawing, or playing calming music, to help distract their minds from stressful thoughts.

First Aid and Medical Knowledge

Teaching Basic First Aid Skills

Knowledge of basic first aid skills can make a significant difference in a survival situation, where immediate medical attention may not be readily available. Teach your children how to clean and dress minor wounds, as well as how to administer CPR or the Heimlich maneuver if necessary. Enroll them in age-appropriate first aid courses that provide hands-on training and certification. Emphasize the importance of remaining calm and rapidly responding to injuries to prevent further harm.

Educating about Common Illnesses and Injuries

Alongside basic first aid skills, it is essential to educate children about common illnesses and injuries they may encounter during a survival situation. Teach them about the symptoms and preventive measures for common ailments, such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, or hypothermia. Explain the importance of maintaining good hygiene and how to properly clean wounds to prevent infection. By providing them with this knowledge, you empower your children to take care of their own health and well-being.

Building Resilience and Problem-Solving Skills

Encouraging Independence and Critical Thinking

An essential aspect of preparing children for survival situations is encouraging independence and critical thinking. Encourage your children to take responsibility for their own safety by teaching them problem-solving skills and decision-making. Provide them with opportunities to think through different scenarios and come up with effective solutions. Celebrate their achievements and encourage their independence while still providing guidance and support.

Providing Opportunities for Decision-Making

Allowing children to make decisions and take practical action helps build their confidence and resilience. In everyday situations, involve your children in decision-making processes, allowing them to contribute their ideas and opinions. Give them age-appropriate responsibilities and tasks to complete independently. By allowing them to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills in controlled environments, you empower them to make sound judgments in survival situations.

Practice and Simulation

Conducting Family Emergency Drills

Regularly conducting family emergency drills is a crucial practice to ensure your children are prepared for survival situations. This not only familiarizes them with the necessary actions to take during an emergency but also helps build muscle memory and reduce panic. Practice scenarios like fire drills, building evacuations, or severe weather protocols, ensuring that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities. After each drill, discuss any areas that need improvement and reinforce proper procedures.

Participating in Wilderness Survival Programs

Participating in wilderness survival programs can provide valuable hands-on experience and further enhance your children’s survival skills. These programs typically offer practical training in various survival techniques, such as shelter-building, water filtration, or foraging for food. They also teach valuable outdoor skills like navigation using a compass and reading environmental cues. Check local recreation centers or outdoor educational organizations for wilderness survival programs suitable for children.


Preparing our children for a survival situation is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. By teaching them about emergency situations, building their survival skills, and providing them with the necessary knowledge and resources, we empower them to protect themselves and others. Through physical preparedness, understanding their environment, having access to emergency supplies and equipment, practicing communication and safety measures, coping with stress and anxiety, acquiring first aid and medical knowledge, building resilience and problem-solving skills, and participating in practice and simulation, we can equip our children to navigate through challenging situations with confidence and resilience. Remember, while we hope that our children will never have to face a survival situation, being prepared is the best way to ensure their safety and well-being.